/BCO-DMO/SEEPC/AT2615_dive_log --dive_id eq A4717-- Level 1

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#  SEEPC Alvin dive log:  cruise AT26-15
#     Gulf of Mexico
#   C. Van Dover (Duke)
#   version: 2016-09-22 replaces v:2015-10-02. Two latitude points corrected.
dive_id  date      
A4717    20140522  
sampling_method     site           time   ISO_DateTime_UTC         lat       lon        depth  comments  
both_slurps         MC853          15:03  2014-05-22T15:03:00      28.12718  -89.14332  1075   slurp among patch ~20 mussels, many hydroid covered; pealgic pump clogged, switched to hydraulic  
Biobox_D            MC853          15:32  2014-05-22T15:32:00      28.12720  -89.14337  1075   adult mussels (same patch as slurp samples)  
Hydraulic_slurp     MC853          16:02  2014-05-22T16:02:00      28.12727  -89.14323  1074   slurp among mussel patch adjacent to patch sampled above  
Biobox_D            MC853          16:09  2014-05-22T16:09:00      28.12727  -89.14323  1074   adult and small mussels  
Biobox_A            MC853          16:54  2014-05-22T16:54:00      28.12728  -89.14163  1062   snails ~30; small spiny crab (small)  
Biobox_A            MC853          18:28  2014-05-22T18:28:00      28.12195  -89.14163  1075   clams (2)  
Biobox_B            MC853          18:45  2014-05-22T18:45:00      28.12210  -89.14153  1076   clams (24)  
Biobox_B            MC853          19:46  2014-05-22T19:46:00      28.12285  -89.14128  1075   clams (8) plus mud clumps (for juveniles)  
Biobox_B            MC853          19:58  2014-05-22T19:58:00      28.12275  -89.14122  1075   scoop over top layer sediment in clam bed  
Biobox_C            MC853          20:28  2014-05-22T20:28:00      28.12297  -89.13998  1071   large adult mussels [possible childressi: 6; brooksi 1 (small)]  
Biobox_C            MC853          20:43  2014-05-22T20:43:00      28.12308  -89.13992  1069   more mussels: 11 'adult', 3 'medium' (brooksi? or childressi?)  
pushcore_1          MC853          20:50  2014-05-22T20:50:00      28.12310  -89.13990  1070   Push Core 1 around potential brine flow area  
pushcore_2          MC853          20:50  2014-05-22T20:50:00      28.12310  -89.13990  1070   Push Core 2, same area  
Biobox_C            MC853          20:59  2014-05-22T20:59:00      28.12315  -89.13985  1070   mussels (childressi?): 5 adult, 3 smaller  
Biobox_C            MC853          21:13  2014-05-22T21:13:00      28.12298  -89.14140  1070   brooksi? (2)  
Biobox_C            MC853          21:20  2014-05-22T21:20:00      28.12305  -89.14157  1070   brooksi? 6 adult, 1 small